Sunday, October 12, 2008

The power of youtube

The past few days I've been checking youtube and watching videos.  Those things are sweet.  You can learn how to do almost anything, beat bullies, play guitar, or solve a rubiks cube, which for me is impossible.  Youtube has a ton of shows that I used to watch when I was younger, which was cool to see them again.  Youtube is such a powerful tool. Dang, anyone in the world can post a video and everyone in the world can see it!!!  That just puts a ton of pressure, so don't do anything embarrassing on the internet.  It's a good thing to go to when I'm bored and don't want to exercise or do homework.  It's the coolest thing ever.  I guess, that's all I have to say.  Huh, i'm out of ideas.  Let's go to the always reliable Count of Monte Cristo.

I'm still not halfway through that book.  It's so long!!  I have no idea how I'm supposed to finish by 1st term.  I still think we shouldn't get more time.  We have to finish by a deadline, which we all agreed, though it is hard and.. wow, i'm never going to finish.  Just like when I was reading the Hunchback of Notre Dame, I didn't finish for like, 2 years!  This book is twice as long as the hunchback!  That is going to be a tough book to read.  Plus, it's in that old english text.  Mini written words and and small pages and all those fancy words.  And, I can not figure out that money system there, they go from pounds to franks to crowns to whatever!  I hate how the book is so old, which is probably the definition of the classic books.  No offense to the classic lovers, but that book is just a very hard read.

Darn, I always do a word count when I think I have enough, but it always ends up being much shorter.  Like just before, I just checked the words, and it turned up to be 303!  I can't finish with 303, when Mr. T asked us to write about his blog, I checked the words, and he got 1,500!  There's no way I could possibly be asked to write that much!  I would stop at 500, which I usually do now, but 1,000 is a huge stretch for me.  I'm just not a big fan of writing.  Like the character sketch we just did I got an 83 out of 100.  I usually never do that bad, but these writing assignments are the toughest things in the world for me.  I love to read, that's probably the only thing that keeps me in honors english.  I wish that any english class would be like that.

Well, I strayed kinda far from my title, THE POWER OF YOUTUBE!!!  So I'll end with just this.  If you know of any cool videos on youtube that you think I might like, comment and tell me what they are.  Ooo, and if you haven't seen him, check out Nick Pitera's singing, he would be great for American Idol.

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