Sunday, April 26, 2009


So I'm getting nervous for midterms. I'm wondering what's going to happen to my grades over the weekend and if it will either drop or raise my grade. I checked my grades on Friday, and they were surprisingly better than I thought they would be. And I seriously am wondering what my teacher's are going to write about me. I always get this nervous when midterms come around, but whatever.

And I know that my blog isn't the fanciest blog out there, but at least I'm meeting the requirements. And this computer I'm working on didn't have the word didn't or isn't in it's dictionary. I mean, what's up with that. It's an old computer, but it should have those words, they aren't that new. And it didn't have the word aren't either! My dad just told me that they are all contractions, which makes me wonder why the creators of this computer could have overlooked that. And my dad's listening to Kelly Clarkson as I'm writing this so I'm getting into the rhythm.

It's about this time that I start to run out of ideas to write about. So yesterday I was earning the bird study merit badge. And yesterday it was insanely cold so I was freezing looking for birds that I had no idea about. And the bird instructor looked as if he knew what every bird in the entire bird's name was. Those are the kinds of things that I wonder why you know about. Like I don't understand who would have the patience to sit is bushes, watching birds, and trying to identify new birds. That just seems too much for me. And the names that they come up with them are really insane. Take egret for example, what kind of a name is that? Who watches birds, identifies them as a new species, and then thinks, I should name it an egret! NO, that can't be correct! It's like they come up with the most challenging names for birds and other animals so that kids have to study them, take tests on them, and then forget the names after the test and will never touch upon the subject again.

Once I get rolling on some subject in this blog, I just roll along for 100 words without even knowing it. I just did that with the bird study and the challenging names back there. It went by insanely fast. I'm just getting on top of my classes in this term, and a good thing too. I promised my parents that I would get all A's or a 4.0 this term, and so far it looks like I'll accomplish it. I hate it when you forget one assignment or a day at school and the class does a huge thing that day or makes the assignment worth a ton of points. When you're absent you don't have the patience or resolve to do the work so you put it off until it's too late. And when you miss an assignment you better hope the teacher is nice and will help you out.

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