Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sick thats gross

So as you can guess from the title I'm sick.  I have a sore throat, a runny nose, and a fever.  And when I didn't go to school kids kept asking me why I wasn't at school!  After a while, it get extremely annoying.  Most of you probably already know this, but being sick stinks like a skunk.  Every time that I swallow, my throat starts to kill, and that adds to my alreaddy growing discomfort.  So I try to take a pill to ease my throat.  Then I can't swallow it because I don't want to experience something falling down an already pained throat.  So I'm forced to have a liquid medicine.  That kind of medicine tastes like raw cow heart, bagh!  It tastes so bad that my throat might heal itself so it doesn't have to experience the awful pain of the horrible tasting medicine.  And speaking of sickness, when I was watching the office, Michael runs over Meredith in his car.  So he takes all of the office to the hospital to talk with her and wish her well.  So when he walks into the hospital he has this disgusted expression on his face.  Then he says to the camera, "ugh, I hate hospitals.  In my mind they're associated with sickness."

Well duh they're associated with sickness, it's a hospital for Pete's sake.  They have to have some sick people in them otherwise the hospital for no reason.  And I also tried to use my ipod touch so that I could write on this without oing onto the computer.  I'm writing this one on the computer as I'm syncing my ipod for the application.  So for now I'm stuck writing on a computer.  And also when I'm trying to read the book A Tale of Two Cities for honors english I just get completely mixed up in the story line.  It's written in probably the hardest way to understand and completely old english style.  That just makes it even more confusing.  Then I have to write about what is going on in the story so I have to read it all over again to make sense of the plot.  And man oh man is it hard to wake up early for school.  Now that I'm sick, I can't wake up as easily or grudginly as I used to.  Now I have the hardest time to wake up.  Like this morning, I woke up and I was still super tired and was sick.  So I didn't go to church.  And once again, people were asking me where I was that day?  It just is super annoying to be asked that when I though I already told them that I was sick.  And I just tried to set up my blog on my ipod; it didn't work.  I put in the url, I typed in my username and my password, and nothing happened.  It stinks bad.  And this is completely jumping around, but the past few forum topics are all about the next few chapters in the book.  *That is just wrong, I don't think you need to be asked when you read, but when you finish and take the AR test and what score you recieved.  That should be what should count.*  Those astrices are just to let our teacher know what I believe he should read, and I hope he will take my suggestion.  I believe that it is a very good idea.

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