I got my ipod thing to work, but it obviously is super hard to write 500 words on a tiny ipod. So I've given up on the idea. But I'm excited for the job interview things; I really want a job. I just want some money to hang onto just in case. And, of course, to spend on some of my favorite things. Like getting a new snowboard. The snowboard that I have now I got some 3 years ago and I've outgrown it. So now I need one that will fit me nicely and be able to go through some of the things that I enjoy about snowboarding. Number 1: I love to carve down the hill heel toe just like the pros do. Number 2: It needs to be light so that I can ride in powder. That is one of my favorite parts about snowboarding. When you go on powder you don't have to worry about "keeping an edge" or about how hard the ground will be when you fall. Going through powder is the best but will only work with a wood core. The wood core will enable my snowboard to be lighter and also allow it to add more pressure to the back of the snowboard enabling me to stay above the tough powder walk that dreads so many unexperienced powder runners. Number 3: It has to be able to grind and jump. Recently I have been in love with jumping. It just feels so cool being weightless for a second and then trying to land in one of your most favorite methods. Mine is for the back end to hit first so it slaps the front down thereby reducing the shock of your landing. I used to not like jumping. That started when I was in Oregon and I was stupid and went straight down a steep hill, didn't slow down once, and went off a jump. This jump was icy and I easily went 3 feet in the air. I landed right on my butt. It hurt like none other, and it took me so long to recover from the pain. After that, I avoided jumping like the plague; it was one of those things that I didn't care for and have a fear about.
When you get told something or experience something as a little child, it remains with you for the rest of your life. Like when I went to the auto show and someone told me that I should never by a Chevrolet car, I always thought of them as a bad car company. Now I love their cars and I wonder why I ever used to hate them.
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