Sunday, February 22, 2009


Right, so according to my blog type thingy, I have written 19 blogs so far.  That means that this is number 20.  That isn't too amazing, but it's astonishing to me to know that I have written a total of 20 blogs each with 500 words.  Now if we multiply that, we get a total of ten thousand words!  That's a lot of words for a young boy such as myself to write.  That's not however why my theme is called impossible.  That will be revealed right now.

So I've been trying for a long time to solve one of man's modern mysteries, how to solve the rubik's cube.  Now when I watch someone try to solve one of these impossible little puzzles, they seem to just be repeating the same thing over and over again.  I didn't know how in the world they managed to do that but now after many youtube videos I finally figured out why.  They're called algorithims and it just means that if you repeat them enough times, it will return back to normal.  This isn't the key to them solving it however.  No algorithim repeated enough times will return an entirely mixed up cube back to it's normal form.  There is multiple algorithims one must memorize in order to solve one of these evil little concotions.  So far all I've been able to solve it the green side and the entire top row.  I'm getting there, and once I solve that retched puzzle it will be so sweet to show everyone.  The one I'm solving is the 3x3x3 cube when a 2x2x2 would probably be an easier puzzle to solve.  However it's the only one I own, what are you going to do about it?

And one of my cousins a few weeks ago achieved a back flip on his snowboard!  Now that really seems impossible, I don't even know how to do a back flip on a trampoline!  Lots of people say that it's the easiest flip that you can do, but I just don't like the idea of putting my head in danger even though I already do that in a front flip.  If anyone has tried to do a backflip and failed, you know what I'm talking about.  I don't know how anyone could do a back flip!  

Now I really want to get back to solving my rubik's cube, but I still need to read more pages in A Tale of Two Cities.  It's finally getting more interesting, but I still have a long way to go before I'm ready to take an AR test or answer any questions about the book.  It's been really slow reading, and I also have to read a book for biology, so I have to read like every day this week in order to finish on time.  Don't get me wrong, I do love to read a good book, but every day just seems a little tiredsome, I have to have some fun in my life.  It's time to get back to the rubik's cube; hopefully I can solve it!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I'm probably not the best writer in the entire world, far from it.  I probably am the worst writer in history.  I have tried to develop these skills for a long time now and it just hasn't come true.  That's what I guess these blogs are for.  We have to choose a topic and develop 500 words about it.  This is definently going to end up helping me in the long run.  

 I got my ipod thing to work, but it obviously is super hard to write 500 words on a tiny ipod.  So I've given up on the idea.  But I'm excited for the job interview things; I really want a job.  I just want some money to hang onto just in case.  And, of course, to spend on some of my favorite things.  Like getting a new snowboard.  The snowboard that I have now I got some 3 years ago and I've outgrown it.  So now I need one that will fit me nicely and be able to go through some of the things that I enjoy about snowboarding.  Number 1: I love to carve down the hill heel toe just like the pros do.  Number 2: It needs to be light so that I can ride in powder.  That is one of my favorite parts about snowboarding.  When you go on powder you don't have to worry about "keeping an edge" or about how hard the ground will be when you fall.  Going through powder is the best but will only work with a wood core.  The wood core will enable my snowboard to be lighter and also allow it to add more pressure to the back of the snowboard enabling me to stay above the tough powder walk that dreads so many unexperienced powder runners.  Number 3: It has to be able to grind and jump.  Recently I have been in love with jumping.  It just feels so cool being weightless for a second and then trying to land in one of your most favorite methods.  Mine is for the back end to hit first so it slaps the front down thereby reducing the shock of your landing.  I used to not like jumping.  That started when I was in Oregon and I was stupid and went straight down a steep hill, didn't slow down once, and went off a jump.  This jump was icy and I easily went 3 feet in the air.  I landed right on my butt.  It hurt like none other, and it took me so long to recover from the pain.  After that, I avoided jumping like the plague; it was one of those things that I didn't care for and have a fear about.

When you get told something or experience something as a little child, it remains with you for the rest of your life.  Like when I went to the auto show and someone told me that I should never by a Chevrolet car, I always thought of them as a bad car company.  Now I love their cars and I wonder why I ever used to hate them.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sick thats gross

So as you can guess from the title I'm sick.  I have a sore throat, a runny nose, and a fever.  And when I didn't go to school kids kept asking me why I wasn't at school!  After a while, it get extremely annoying.  Most of you probably already know this, but being sick stinks like a skunk.  Every time that I swallow, my throat starts to kill, and that adds to my alreaddy growing discomfort.  So I try to take a pill to ease my throat.  Then I can't swallow it because I don't want to experience something falling down an already pained throat.  So I'm forced to have a liquid medicine.  That kind of medicine tastes like raw cow heart, bagh!  It tastes so bad that my throat might heal itself so it doesn't have to experience the awful pain of the horrible tasting medicine.  And speaking of sickness, when I was watching the office, Michael runs over Meredith in his car.  So he takes all of the office to the hospital to talk with her and wish her well.  So when he walks into the hospital he has this disgusted expression on his face.  Then he says to the camera, "ugh, I hate hospitals.  In my mind they're associated with sickness."

Well duh they're associated with sickness, it's a hospital for Pete's sake.  They have to have some sick people in them otherwise the hospital for no reason.  And I also tried to use my ipod touch so that I could write on this without oing onto the computer.  I'm writing this one on the computer as I'm syncing my ipod for the application.  So for now I'm stuck writing on a computer.  And also when I'm trying to read the book A Tale of Two Cities for honors english I just get completely mixed up in the story line.  It's written in probably the hardest way to understand and completely old english style.  That just makes it even more confusing.  Then I have to write about what is going on in the story so I have to read it all over again to make sense of the plot.  And man oh man is it hard to wake up early for school.  Now that I'm sick, I can't wake up as easily or grudginly as I used to.  Now I have the hardest time to wake up.  Like this morning, I woke up and I was still super tired and was sick.  So I didn't go to church.  And once again, people were asking me where I was that day?  It just is super annoying to be asked that when I though I already told them that I was sick.  And I just tried to set up my blog on my ipod; it didn't work.  I put in the url, I typed in my username and my password, and nothing happened.  It stinks bad.  And this is completely jumping around, but the past few forum topics are all about the next few chapters in the book.  *That is just wrong, I don't think you need to be asked when you read, but when you finish and take the AR test and what score you recieved.  That should be what should count.*  Those astrices are just to let our teacher know what I believe he should read, and I hope he will take my suggestion.  I believe that it is a very good idea.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowl 43

Right, so it's super bowl sunday, and it's the Arizona Cardinals vs. the Pittsburgh Steelers.  I really want the Cardinals to win!!  Though I'm ready for the Steelers to win too.  They are a hardcore team.  They might just be the best team in the league.  Yet this is the first time the cardinals have been in a super bowl.  They deserve to win; the steelers have won a bunch of super bowls already.  And I did place a "bet" with my teacher saying that if the Cardinals won, that I would get 100% on the next assingment without even lifting a finger.  However, if the steelers win, I have a double-leanth assignment.  That a lot of work for me to do.  So I'll be watching, and hoping that the steelers lose this super bowl. 

I'm also extremely excited for wednesday.  It's our ward ski day!  We get to go to wolf mountain and shred the slopes for 4 hours.  It's a small mountain and a very easy mountain too, but I'm not there to practice my form.  I'm going to practice the all important jumping!  Especially grinding, it seems really easy to jump on that rail and just ride it down.  The only part I'm worried about is that you cant lean to one side when you're on the rail.  If you do, then you'll wipe out and smack the snow hard.  That's the only thing that will make me hesitate, but it's not enough.  This wednesday, I'm going to at least try to grind...

So this write is after the super bowl.  The Steelers won, much to my dismay.  The Cardinals had it in the bag!  They were 3 points up and then they gave the ball to Pittsburgh.  When they had the chance to sack, they just let him walk right by.  It was so frustrating.  And the refs seemed to call every foul on the Cardinals that they could.  So now I have a long assignment that will be given to me tomorrow.  That will not be fun.  Usually the assignments I'm given I can finish in class, with the exception of a few of these Sine and Cosine problems.  Now I have a huge maybe hour long assignment that will be given to me!  That will suck!  And I just watched the new office.  A heart attack, some hurtful comments, and a pretty funny movie were thrown into the mix of things.  I cannot believe how long the super bowl was.  It took FOREVER!!!  And they kept reviewing the play where the interception was returned 100 yards for the touchdown.  It took forever for the new office to even start to premiere.  Yet the commercials were hilarious.  I loved the first doritos commercial, the one where the snow globe can tell the future.  And many others made you laugh.  It was a very fun super bowl.  It didn't make me the happiest man in the world, but it still made me laugh.  Good night UTAH!!!!