Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hooray!!!! It snowed!!!

I have mixed feelings about the snow.  For one thing, people can ski, snowboard, snowmobile, and many other things besides.  However, it has the cold when you fall down, and you have to shovel your driveway, which is a big pain.  When you have to do something that puts you in the cold, and will take a long time to finish, that is what a hate to do.  Hate is a strong word, so I'm using it in the strongest possible meaning.  It does not do me any good to have snow anywhere but on the mountain.  It just stinks!!!!!!  And just like on kung fu panda, "well, I'm not a master" at snowboarding, I probably stink compared to most other people around here.  I can't believe at how bad I am, so, and just how cool would it be to have warm snow.  It would feel so good to face plant and normally you would feel really cold and not want to go any farther, just to leave.  But with the snow warm, you would just barely feel the snow and feel really good.  It would be so awesome.  And since I had to decide earlier for christmas due to bad conditions here, I've planned things down really quick and I can't tell you about what I'm getting because it's a surprise.  I was recently watching the office and it showed Andy after Jim throws his phone into the ceiling and he can't find it.  So he doesn't know where it is and Jim and Pam keep calling it, and Andy says, "where's my FREAKING PHONE!!!"  Then Jim confesses and says like in a sarcastic tone, "maybe it's in the ceiling" and Andy is really upset and says, "you know what, maybe your in the ceiling!"  That part is just so funny, if you have to watch one office episode you better watch that one.  Just so that you know, it's called the Return, so watch it immediately!!!!  Dang, I can't spell.  I want to watch Mr. Bean's holiday again.  That movie is so funny!  Like when he's ordering coffee, and he's like wei, no, and then the girl says, you speak very good french, and he says, GRACIAS!!!  Who knows how to make something funny by Rowan Atkinson, well, maybe some other people, but he's pretty funny.  And wow I'm tired today, it was hectic yesterday, and since we have winter break I am loving to party!!!  It's just so much fun!!!  That was so cool right there, I was typing, trying to put exclamation points at the end of that sentence, and I pushed the alt/option key on the mac, and it made the symbols that spainish people use to write exclamation points, like this ¡¡¡ it was so cool when I first pressed it I was like that's really cool, how do you do that with using something really cool.  You should try it yourself, see if it works, it's really awesome, you'll thank me for unlocking a FREAKING secret!!!¡¡¡¡¡

Sunday, December 14, 2008


This blog is going to be about nothing. Yea, you heard right nothing. I have nothing to write about. Nothing at all. I'm also trying to use nothing in every sentence in this blog. So nothing is the topic. Just like in the odyssey, when odysseus tells the cyclops that his name is nhbody, and he says that nobody blinded my eye, that's sorta what this is like, nothing. Nothing is a very interesting subject. When I look at the walls of my math teachers room, she has many ways to say nothing. Nothing is what we will become when we die, and nothing is still interesting. Nothing, look how it says no thing and you combine to nothing, its really cool when you combine things. Nothing, I have nothing, no thing, nothing. Combining words, like no thing to nothing, let's try and make it work. Morchoose, more choose, morchoose, not like nothing, but still fun to say. Juniomint, Junior Mint, still nothing compared to nothing. This is really boring to write, yet really fun when I make up stuff like about nothing. Well, it's not about nothing, it's about combining words into something. I'm still going to say nothing in all of this, every sentence, it's going to be really fun. Postsetting, that is really a word, like nothing. Nothing is such a fun thing to say when you are making stuff up, I'm going to write about nothing, impossible. Down at the bottom of this, it says labels for this post e.g. scooters, vacation, fall, not nothing, which it should, people can wirte about random stuff which techinically could be nothing. N o t h i n g, the essence of the number 0, fun to say, read, yell, write, whatever. Nothing is what happens when you take away a christmas tree and you look at an empty floor. All you have is nothing. Is nothing a verb, noun, adjective, adverb, conjunction, prepostion, desajulation I don't know. Desajulation is from the office, and you should really watch it it is really not nothing. Blogs are not nothing, they are the essence to express yourself and all the things that you believe are important to you. It's nothing like facebook and myspace, its not as cool as those but they still have a good way to have fun. I don't write in my spare time, in fact on saturdays I write nothing, and I almost made a mistake with the apostrophes that would end up getting me killed. And writing about nothing has gotten me pretty far into this blog. Usually I have a really hard time coming up with something to write. Who knew that writing about nothing could be so much easier than that. And if you guys are bored and have nothing to do and have read this whole blog, you should know that in one sentence on this blog I haven't used the word nothing. To compete, first one to write the sentence in the comment thing wins NOTHING!!! So don't take an idiot quiz or do nothing, try to find the special sentence, and win NOTHING!!!

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Sunday is like my last day to do anything before school work is required.  I usually do all my homework on this day and it just doesn't seem to fall on the friday or saturday previous.  It just works out like that and it probably always will. Uh, honors english is actually not coming on too bad.  It's just that the letters about literature thing is due friday and I don't know if it is ready.  Thanksgiving was so much fun.  Its gathering of our family and food is just great.  So all the Roberts came, and  no offense, but the Roberts' turkey is pretty heavenly.  My least favorite is my grandma's recipe of this green stuff.  Hers has grapefruit and what not.  It's just sour and to me disgusting.  My blog is probably the worst blog of all.  Yours had better be a bunch better than mine is.  This is probably really obvious, but I love food's sweet taste.  I hate it when food has a sour taste or bitter.  Food's taste may differ, but for me it has to be sweet for me to love it.  That's why I didn't like the green stuff.  Our schools' classes are pretty much good.  Maybe some classes that would help me more in my choices for life would be better.  Still, our schools' classes are fair to good.  I'm really bored however of some classes.  Such as guitar, I'm pretty much acing  the class and there's no problem.  It's just for me an easy class.  And very soon I finally will have my braces off!!!!  Thursday will be probably the best day of my life and nothing could ruin it unless I have to wear them one more second longer than I have to.  They've been so annoying and I just hate it.  Luckily, I will be done with orthodontists for a little while, but their job is pretty interesting.  It's not hard, at least it doesn't look too hard, and it has to deal with human body.  So 2 things that I love so double the fun.  That's a huge dream, do something that has to do with studying the human body and doing what I can to help out.  Maybe I'll invent a cure for the brace problem?  Who knows?  And the holidays are coming up.  Christmas is my 2nd favorite holiday.  After hearing that, most of you are probably wondering why I said that what my favorite holiday is.  Well Thanksgiving is number one, and so I have to have christmas next.  It's just like that.  So I am planning for christmas and what I want, and it's pretty hard to decide with all the cool stuff coming out.  Oh well, onto the next part.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

time to think

Well I was in the computer lab and I was talking to Livvy. I ran out of things to write on this blog and then I finally got the idea from Livvy.  She said that she writes what she thinks and she usually gets all the words in.  So I'll try out that idea and get this done.  So I like the office and during it is the part where Dwight was trying to beat the new Dunder Mifflin website in selling paper and starts to hate Kelly for buying from the computer and Pam and Jim start making up things that they think the computer will say.  Then Michael goes to the party and then discovers that the place was the chat room and he thought it was the New York club.  So they had to come back.  Michael starts to blame Ryan for that it is just the most funny thing about everything.  But they do have some inappropriate stuff.  I won't spoil anything else. Kung Fu panda is also very funny. I was watching the movie and it was hilarious.  My most favorite part is when Po is eating the peaches.  Then the turtle comes and he says "Po, I realize that you eat when you're upset so you shouldn't eat the peaches of the peach tree of eternal wisdom." "Oh, is that what it is I thought this was just a regular peach tree."  Ha ha, it was very funny.  Lol I also am trying to write more stuff and this is very hard so I am working on something else.  I just figured out how to work on my blog and the forum.  And I finally got some good things in there.  On the bottom there is a poll so If you like reading blogs you should look at it and vote.  I can't believe what I was just watching.  Michael kidnapped a pizza guy cause he was not getting a 1/2 off on the pizzas.  I you can tell he was telling him ransom and almost tortures him.  The kid is just bored and won't give him the free pizza.  It's hilarious I can't believe it.  And Andy gets into Angela and starts to suck up to him, it was very funny.  And Ryan grows a half beard and kelly hates him and sticks pizza on his face.  And the kid tells Michael's boss that he was being held against his will.  Dwight starts to intimidate him and he realizes that he kidnapped him and he starts to beat himself up for it.  And Dwight has to pay for the pizza that nobody wants.  And Dwight has to pay full price and won't get reimbursed for paying for the pizza.  So Michael doesn't have to pay any money and doesn't get killed.  It was hilarious.  Well, I think I did pretty well this time, I wrote my blog early and I didn't even have to word check before I knew that I wrote 500 words.  I think that this is my best blog yet!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

TV shows

I love the OFFICE!!!  It's such a funny show and Dwights crying right now lol!!  Anyways, i have decided to get a heads-tart on my blog today.  Heads tart was the word that it suggested instead of head start!!!  It was real fun to watch the biggest loser.  IT's so cool watching people lose so much weight in one 6 month period.  Like 120 pounds!!  It's amazing.  It funny watching their lives turn around so fast.  I just don't get how they stand it.  Oh well, the office is very funny.  I was just watching the season 4 episode when Dwight doesn't get invited to an dinner party that Michael throws for Jim and Pam, and Andy and Angela.  I can't believe what happens you have to see it if you haven't already.  You'd just better watch the office.  Just don't watch the sexual harassment and women's appreciation one.  Those are just horrible and you could never get those images out of your head.  Also I like that Tonight Show with Jay Leno, and I just realized that these blogs don't sound good when I try to get some voice into my writing.  It just sounds like monotone voice like the whole time and probably won't change if you actually read the whole thing, even this sentence.  Anyways, the Tonight Show is very funny!!  It has headlines where he makes fun of certain things that newspapers write and show that are just plain stupid.  Like the time where Jay showed the audience a newspaper about a swimmer named Tyson Gay.  Apparently they put on a search and replace cause they can't say the word gay in a newspaper like that.  So it changes all the gays to homosexuals.  So during the entire article telling about the great swimmer, Tyson Homosexual.  The 25 year old homosexual said.  IT was just hilarious.  It's probably one of my favorite parts of that show.  If you really haven't watched it, go on the internet more and learn about these funny shows that everyone watches that they say are funny and you wonder why you haven't learned about and will hate your self if you never watch it and your friends say that it is the best show ever.  Try saying all that in one breath, pretty hard huh?  This always happens to me why don't I ever write 500 words in one sitting.  Whenever I check and think that I did enough and it looks like enough, I always end up with 300 so words.  This time I wrote almost 400 words.  I try to finish these blogs like a man at one time but it never works and I always end up with these 300 words.  It always takes two or more tries.  And this is taking forever to write.  I don't want to have to write these every week when for this week I have another assignment in biology I have to finish and this is just... ugh, I don't know why I can't finish.  OH well, time to look for the future and smell the pollution, time for a happier day tomorrow, I hope.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Don't kill me, please

Weehoo, time to write.  I think for fun I should write about my deepest darkest secrets.  First, just joking I won't tell you anything.  Hahahaha, that stinks for you.  So instead i'll talk about school, school is fun.  Now about honors english, I can't believe all the stuff we have to do I mean I can't do it all, It just seems impossible.  Reading 2 very complex books or writing 2 things is hard.  First, I stink at writing.  I've never got over a 90 at writing and probably never will.  It's just something to think about, I have to write at least one of those things, and I probably will write a crappy report.  As for the books, I do like to read.  I cherish It as I would a full root beer can not opened.  Only A&W though,  it just tastes better.  Anyways, those 2 books are almost as hard as the Count of Monte Cristo, which took forever to finish.  My thoughts are that I will never finish and miserably fail the class and be forced down to my regular english class!  It's shocking, I know.  I mean,  just look at my fabulous writing skills, I never write anything just to finish the five hundred words, never.  Who could possibly accuse me of doing such a horrible, indescribably evil thing.  That would be the work of a cheapskate, I would never do that.  Still, It will be almost impossible to finish, if you've ever seen it, it looks impossible.  The Chosen, and Dandelion Wine, which is the only one I remember, are looking impossible to finish during this term.  Still, if he believes I can do it, it probably means that he thinks its impossible too, and I should give up.  If he doesn't, he's probably right and will make me want to complete the assignments to show how great I am.  So if you are reading this Mr.T, then make note of what I just said, I might be useful to what I might need you to do.  Well I just word checked, and there was about 350 words.  I think that was pretty good for right off the bat.  And now I'm looking at the side bar to measure how far 500 words is in a single paragraph.  So I can plan for the future.  Now, I already discussed how I'm going to fail Honor's english.  You've got that straight right?  I hope you do, now for my hobbies.  I like to kill people, break the law, and stab people and drop weapons of mass destruction.  Sorry, I was pretending to be Andrew Huogh, which I think is spelled right.  And if you don't know him and you go to Fairfield, you are sad and should be very depressed for not knowing who he his.  Shame on you.  And I just can't tell you about my hobbies.  That would be too revealing for public eyes and you might look at me like I'm crazy and try to kill me.  Please, DO NOT KILL ME!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

End of Term

Today is my b-day and I was having a good day until I realized that I had to write this blog.  Well the end of term I guess ended and my grades were pretty good.  I think my parents kinda liked them, they're always telling me that I have to get a 4.0 or else.  I guess I have to, but a 3.9 is pretty good in my opinion.  The only reason I got that is because I'm a lousy spanish speaker, writer, and reader.  It's not my teachers fault, she was great.  I just am naturally horrible at spanish.  It just stinks.

I turned 15 today.  I woke up, got dressed, got ready for church, just joking; I'm not going to be telling you my entire agenda.  But I did wake up, get dressed, and got ready for church.  Yet when I woke up my brother was over my face ready to get me started with studying my drivers manual for my permit.  We laughed at some of the things that was in that manual.  Like if you switch gears on some train tracks then your car will stall.  Then if a collision is imminent, then (these are their words not mine), RUN TOWARD THE ONCOMING TRAIN!  We laughed forever when we saw that and then read after that reads at an angle to avoid the train.  Yet RUN TOWARD THE TRAIN was in all caps so we took that advice to heart so when we see a train, we're running at it.  Another thing that made us laugh is the driving at night policy which takes up a chapter of the book.  It says that you should always watch the road.  Pedestrians could DART in front of you car.  Now, I don't know anyone dumb enough to run in front of a car like you want it to hit you!  It just doesn't happen.   And many of the pictures here and there are pretty funny.  If you ever want to see what I'm talking about, get the Utah Driver Handbook 2007 edition for all the details.  I promise you that you will not be disappointed.  

I just did a word count and I'm 150 words from finishing.  I feel excited almost a complete term of honors english under my belt.  As well as good grades I've been in a better mood about school than last year.  So, let's think here, what can I write?  Oh I know, I'll say stuff about Halloween.  I didn't do a whole lot of the trick or treating.  I feel that I've gotten a bit too old for that, and I'm already missing the days as a kid of 8-10.  It doesn't make me feel old, but yeah.  As for Halloween, all I did was hang out at a friends house and watch a movie, football, hot chocolate, just a lot of stuff that would be impossible to mention right now.  So the trick or treating I just down his street, I didn't get a lot, but it was enough for me. 

Sunday, October 26, 2008


I finally finished the Count of Monte Cristo!!!  I actually thought that that was a great book to read.  I sorta got the plot, but overall great.  The ending was weird, but I won't spoil it for those of you still reading, and you should really hurry up and finish.  The only thing I'm having trouble with is the writing thing, I can't write, and I'm having some trouble getting into one that I might like.  I guess the reflections one is the best that comes to mind, oh well, I'll find one eventually.

I went to disneyworld last week, and had so much fun.  Epcot, Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom the works.  It was very fun and though it was very humid, we didn't have too much of a problem.  It always comes down to this moment right now, I'm bored, have nothing else to write, and want to publish and end this thing forever.  But I always know that I cannot do such a thing, as I will get a bad grade.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Disneyworld, and a few other things

Over this UEA break from school, i'm going to go to Disney world in florida!! I hope I have a blast. Oh, and to go off topic here, you need to see Jay Leno on the vice presidential debate. Very funny. Back to Florida, I want to have another class besides economic class. You get no leg room, and you can't lean back at all! When I went to England last summer, I flew in business class. Dang, that felt good. The opposite of economic class. Oh, so much bliss.

I'm still not even close to finishing the Count of Monte Cristo, I have so much trouble, sitting down and trying to read that book. I finally got halfway through that book, but I think it was more enjoyable at the beginning. At least he got to try to break out of prison, while now he's helping people who have misfortunes with his money as the "esteemed" Count of Monte Cristo. I'm reading the abridged version, so it's didn't tell me how he became the Count, luckily I just figured it out by reading the back. Plus, I don't have to read a 1,000 pages of text. If I had to read that much, I think I would die! It would be the hardest thing I've ever done.

Right now, I'm also into the computer. But on the Disney World trip (yes!!!) I won't have any access to technology all day! It's going to last for days, DAYS without any technology except for my Dad's Iphone. Those are very cool, but I'm straying off the topic just a bit. Still, while I'm writing all these sentences that run through my head, It takes words off the list that is required. I almost out of things to say.

My geography class is very easy, people who read this, you know who I mean. I do all my homework in that class, though it's at the beginning of the dayso I don't have much homework to do. It would be so easy to get my homework done, and still work on my assignments in that class. The teacher is very cool about it, he or she doesn't mind that much that I and a few other students do homework in that class. That class involves maps, which I'm not very good at doing, mainly because I can't draw. Still, besides the maps, I'm totally like that class.

Just one last thing, I'm not a huge fan of the teacher I have biology with. He or She gives us so much homework!! He or she also is very strict. I was taking a quiz in his or her class and we were doing it on photosynthesis and respiration. All we had to do was write the chemical formulas for them and I switched up H2O and CO2 which were on the same side of the equation! I still got the question wrong!! I was not happy, when I had to take the test again, but It wasn't that hard. Oh well, what can I do?

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The power of youtube

The past few days I've been checking youtube and watching videos.  Those things are sweet.  You can learn how to do almost anything, beat bullies, play guitar, or solve a rubiks cube, which for me is impossible.  Youtube has a ton of shows that I used to watch when I was younger, which was cool to see them again.  Youtube is such a powerful tool. Dang, anyone in the world can post a video and everyone in the world can see it!!!  That just puts a ton of pressure, so don't do anything embarrassing on the internet.  It's a good thing to go to when I'm bored and don't want to exercise or do homework.  It's the coolest thing ever.  I guess, that's all I have to say.  Huh, i'm out of ideas.  Let's go to the always reliable Count of Monte Cristo.

I'm still not halfway through that book.  It's so long!!  I have no idea how I'm supposed to finish by 1st term.  I still think we shouldn't get more time.  We have to finish by a deadline, which we all agreed, though it is hard and.. wow, i'm never going to finish.  Just like when I was reading the Hunchback of Notre Dame, I didn't finish for like, 2 years!  This book is twice as long as the hunchback!  That is going to be a tough book to read.  Plus, it's in that old english text.  Mini written words and and small pages and all those fancy words.  And, I can not figure out that money system there, they go from pounds to franks to crowns to whatever!  I hate how the book is so old, which is probably the definition of the classic books.  No offense to the classic lovers, but that book is just a very hard read.

Darn, I always do a word count when I think I have enough, but it always ends up being much shorter.  Like just before, I just checked the words, and it turned up to be 303!  I can't finish with 303, when Mr. T asked us to write about his blog, I checked the words, and he got 1,500!  There's no way I could possibly be asked to write that much!  I would stop at 500, which I usually do now, but 1,000 is a huge stretch for me.  I'm just not a big fan of writing.  Like the character sketch we just did I got an 83 out of 100.  I usually never do that bad, but these writing assignments are the toughest things in the world for me.  I love to read, that's probably the only thing that keeps me in honors english.  I wish that any english class would be like that.

Well, I strayed kinda far from my title, THE POWER OF YOUTUBE!!!  So I'll end with just this.  If you know of any cool videos on youtube that you think I might like, comment and tell me what they are.  Ooo, and if you haven't seen him, check out Nick Pitera's singing, he would be great for American Idol.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

What to write what to write...

Dang, how do I write all these words. I read all of your guys blogs, and I have no idea where you come up with your topics, it's genius. I have no clue about what to write. I guess I recently played tackle football. I completely stunk. And 500 words is a ton. Who here saw the vice presidential debate? Anyone, Anyone? Because I didn't. I wanted to watch the office, but they put it off a week for the debate. I hate how they did that. Oh, and when do we see our grade? I'm wondering what my grade is so far. I hope i'm not failing like enourmously. And i probably have said this a thousand times. But is 500 words really necessary cause it takes me forever to write. Usually you guys write way less than I do. And i'm just wondering if i'm writing more than neccessary or just right? Oh well. I just got one of those hp computers and all the paint pictures I did when I was young are popping out of nowhere and it looks really funny looking at stick figures. Of course in orange, cause that's my favorite color. It looks so pro, it's sweet. Just try to beat my sweet drawings, it's so impossible.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

What's up? Gas prices

Why do I always forget to write these until the last minute? I don't know, it's so stupid of me. Anyways, I just went to one of those choir things at the lds conference center. It was really cool, although I did fall asleep during the showing. Jk, but I did fall asleep during the movie 10,000 b.c.! It was embarrasing having my parents wake me up and drag me out of our movie room so we could all go to bed and not leave me. I still am tired. Huh. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. jk, i didn't fall asleep, or did I? Maybe i'm sleep writing?! And then zombies will come and eat everyone!!! And the world will be thrown into chaos and we'll all be turned into zombies and...that was really fun to write, you all should try it sometime. So while i'm writing this thing why don't i have some fun, if Mr. Thompson is reading this, can you respond and say whether chocolate or soda is better? That's very random, and I really want to know. I went to the u of u game against weber state. U of U won, 34-7! Not very good for the wildcats, but very good for the utes. And the Davis homecoming game against weber high, 9-7! Not very good for Davis, but very good for Layton I guess. And did you guys see the office the other day. FUNNY!!! Micheal grows a goatee and becomes humongous, Toby got fired in the last episode, that was really weird. I think everyone should get the chance to watch the office at least once. But not when they're really young. It is so not appropriate for those young kids. Like this one time I was at Lake Powell watching the office on my ipod touch and my cousin who's 8 comes up to me and asks to watch, I tell him no, and he gets really mad, but I knew he would be grossed out if I showed him that show. I also wait for the last minute to type these things, they drive my parents crazy, me writing 500 words every night at around 11 o'clock! I guess most people have this dream, but I really want an Iphone! Being able to surf the internet, access itunes, facebook, and plenty of other stuff. My dad has one, and really amazes me at all the stuff he can do on that phone. I don't have anything nearly as cool as what he has. He's always into the technical stuff and I guess I am too, but I won't be as succesful as him until i'm older. Which will bring up another question, do you think kids younger than 16 should have minimum wage jobs? Why or Why not? Now I sound like a teacher! Lol, but that would be scary for me, no offense Mr. T. I hate right now when I'm at the end and I'm out of ideas so this should finish up the last 19 words required.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hola, again

Hey, it's me again.  It's been so much fun these weeks of school.  Well I guess I shouldn't say fun, more like my grades aren't crummy.  I actually have all A's!!!  Yay, I can't believe it's happening.  The book we're reading is actually pretty good as well.  I hated it at first, but now it's getting a bit more interesting.  These blogs are still pretty annoying to write, though.

Anyways, lets get right down to it.  I hear that most people just do daily reflections, and this 500 words in one night is getting pretty annoying, so I guess I'm to do that; starting with my next blog.  For now let us reflect on the wonderful world of the Count of Monte Cristo.  

From what I have gathered, he had this supposed friend in the inspection office questioning him, promised to help him, burned any evidence that could incriminate himself.  Then this Dantes got thrown into prison, for 4 years, and that's about where I am.  He does have a friend in the prison trying to escape, so he's trying to get out as well.  His friend is also a writer, writing an autobiography in the prison using his shirts.  

I think he needs some help.  Dantes started trying to kill himself, and then he gave up on it.  It looks like he can never go back into society.  Hence him becoming the Count of Monte Cristo.  He looks like he's very charming, polite, and willing to break a law or two to help a friend.

I'm guessing that a blog can be written about anything, so I've been trying to write about the book, but It looks like it won't fill up all 500 words, so I'll write questions to people who know more than this than I could possibly know right now.  So here are my questions, how do you do a word check on this thing without pasting it into a word document?  Do you guys and girls listen to music while writing your blogs?  What are your blogging websites and how could I find them easily?  Just answer these questions under a falcon forum I'll create titled "questions".  Thanks for the help.

Right there I thought I could finish, but I did a word count and I discovered that I wrote way too little words.  So here I go, let's think of a random subject to ask about.  Oh here's one, do you guys have a facebook, if you don't, you should, they are very awesome.  You can meeet all your friends, and have many fan things about almost everything.

I guess I should definently stop talking about random topics and get back on the topic, oh and if  you haven't figured it out yet, these out loud thoughts are for taking up words, just kidding Mr. Thompson.  If you're reading this though, that fly story was very funny, I can't believe it would mark the exact place to stop a reading.  So back to the Count of Monte Cristo.

My prediction is pretty much the same as last time, he's going to escape in some way and find the treasure, probably marooning a few ships along the way.  Afterwards, he'll tell his grandkids this story, showing how wrongly he was treated, and pass the story along until it reaches here.  I'm really excited to figure out how they would escape.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hello honors english

Hello fellow students of honors english. My name is Thomas Roberts, and this is my first time writing a blog, so bear with me if I completely mess up. I hear we have to write 500 words per blog, and that for me just seems, excessive. I've never written 500 words for any assignment ever, much less every single day, so here I go.

I guess I should start by introducing myself. I'm 14 years old, in Mr. Thompson's english class, and already feeling overwhelmed in 9th grade. I'm an excellent reader. I'm not much of a writer, however, which I hope to get better at by doing these every week. My favorite subject is Science, which i'm really not excited for this year. I have Biology, which already is very hard.

I live in Fruit Heights, Utah, where almost no one knows where that is. It's right next to Layton, on the mountainside. It's very private there, and we have a nice little neighborhood. Most of my friends live right next to me one way or the other. From my house we can see the great salt lake and lots more. Like I said before, we have a ton of work in 9th grade, especially in this class, if anyone can say how to get a word count on you writing, would you please tell me? It would be very helpful.

The book we're reading, the Count of Monte Cristo (the abridged version), so far I've read 25-30 pages of that book, and so far all i've gotten from the book is that a captain dies on this trip out to sea. Then the first mate is poised to become captain, and on that trip dislikes another of the crewman. This crewman when they get back on land is extremely unhappy that he's so successful. He even is about to get married. A few hours before they marry, the police arrive to bring him in. So far they think its nothing but something he forgot to sign, so they can't let him out tell he signs something.

My prediction for what will happen is that he's framed for a murder of his captain and is imprisoned for life. His fiance will be extremely upset and will marry the crewman who I think framed him for the murder. That crewman will likely become captain of the ship and become what this first mate was poised to become. I also read the back, which says that someone there will break him out, and lead him to the treasure of Monte Cristo, which is probably where the story will unfold. He will then steal a ship and attack many ships on the way, therefore earning him the nickname, the Count of Monte Cristo.

I suppose, I'd better wrap this blog up soon. I'm very excited for this year, and working with all the honors english students. Usually my predictions come true in a book, so I'm making an inference just above. You might have a different theory, and I will respect that. Well, it was a bunch of fun blogging just now. I can't wait to do it again and read all of yours later.